About PGP

      The Production Engineering Graduate Program (PGP) from the State University of Maringá (UEM) addresses scientific activities and trains human resources in the area of concentration Production Management. It is an area of knowledge that explores the research and application of methodologies and techniques for analysis, planning, evaluation and continuous improvement in production systems. The characteristic of the scientific works proposed is to support the companies’ decision-making process from the application of qualitative and quantitative methods of optimization of product and industrial processes, based in a managerial approach, in the statistical methods and in the several subdivisions of operational research, respectively.

     The area of concentration is structured in two Research fields:

Research Field I – Support to Decision Making in Operations

       Focuses on the development of scientific works anchored in methods and models to assist the decision-making process in production systems with a strategic and sustainable vision.  The goal of this field is to develop studies and applied research that promote the performance of production and logistics processes, the quality of products and services, rendering planning, management and decision making robust in an organization.  The main methods addressed in this research field are related to statistical methods, quality engineering methods, information and decision support systems, multicriteria decision methods and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools, directed to the strategic management of operations.

Research Field II – Optimization and Simulation of Systems

     One of the main characteristics of this research field is the intensive use of mathematical modeling, statistics and simulation to solve optimization problems in planning and scheduling operations , product quality control and industrial processes, environmental impacts, grading problems and logistics.  These are academic and scientific skills developed by teachers and graduate students with the aim of analyzing complex situations and optimizing production systems and/or improving operational performance, ensuring more competitive products and services in the market.